The Earth Path — Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature.(Harper San Francisco, 2004)
My tenth book, The Earth Path, was inspired by the realization that even many people who call themselves Pagan and proclaim nature as sacred are unclear on the processes by which nature actually works. The Earth Path addresses the profound spiritual and conceptual disconnect at the root of our environmental destructiveness, and shows how we can re-root our spirits, our politics, and our day-to-day life in deep relationship with the Earth. It also includes much of the synthesis of Earth-based spirituality and practical permaculture that I’ve been working with in our Earth Activist Trainings.
If you don’t have the money to buy it, request that your local library order it. If they don’t have the money to buy it–well, isn’t that exactly the condition we’re all struggling against!
Thanks so much for your support,
— Starhawk
To Order: please support independent bookstores, either one near you or — you should try, rather than going to one of the corporate mega-stores.