In just a couple of weeks, I’ll be at the Not So Simple Living Fair! The Anderson Valley Food Shed presents The 6th annual Not-So-Simple Living Fair July 24-26 2015 Mendocino County fairgrounds, Boonville
Join us for a full weekend of rural living skills education, back to the land demonstrations, and much more. This is […]
Happy Summer Solstice! Here in the northern hemisphere it is the longest day and shortest night of the year, when light reaches its peak and begins to decline. We celebrate the Solstice to honor the balance or light and dark that together create the rhythm that moves the world.
It is a time of […]
I am shocked and heartbroken at the massacre in Charleston. When such a violent assault occurs, it is more than just personal, more than a reflection of one person’s hate and madness. Racism is structural, a framework built into society that channels eruptions of violence onto black bodies just as surely as a strategic break […]
I am really sorry to share the news that Andy Paik died suddenly last Monday, February 23, of unknown causes. His wife Karen came home and found him unconscious on the floor. The paramedics could not revive him.
Andy was a longtime Reclaiming member, the founder of Free Activist Witchcamp, a dedicated and courageous activist […]
Off to Belize very, very early tomorrow morning, for our permaculture course at Mountain Maya Farm! So excited to be teaching with Christopher Nesbitt, Albert Bates and Marisha Auerbach, and to connect with the local indigenous folks who will be in the course!
And the first time I’ll be teaching somewhere I have to get […]
This page is to let everyone know about my latest novel, “The City of Refuge,” which is a sequel to “The Fifth Sacred Thing.” Please come and have a look, leave a comment and “follow” to be kept up to date on publication date of the book and information relating the real life possibilities of […]
Here’s a statement written jointly by Earth Activist Training and the Black Permaculture Network:
Solidarity Statement from the Permaculture Community
We, the members of the undersigned permaculture groups and organizations, wish to publicly state our support for the BlackLivesMatter movement and the ongoing fight to end all police violence against communities of color. Permaculture is […]
Light is returning–on this this longest day of the year, we hold vigil as the Goddess labors to bring forth the newborn sun. As Pagans, we embrace the dark, as the place of potential, the womb of gestation, All Possibility.
We do not see light as good, dark as evil–that dualistic metaphor is one of […]
1 Officer Hospitalized, 6 Arrested During Violent Overnight Berkeley Protest
Preparing for our climate change workshop and ritual today, while last night even as protests filled the streets the LA police shot a homeless man. I start my talks these days by saying that we have two great crises: climate change and the concentration […]
it’s a magical law that you don’t gain more power by disdaining the power you have. If we want to call in the great powers of creation, compassion and justice to transform our world, we must use whatever avenues are open to us, even if they seem weaker than we’d like. The trickle carves a path for the stream to flow, and the stream makes the way for the river. So do a walking meditation, and walk on down to the voting booth. Make filling out your ballot an act of prayer, if you like. Take that hour, or day out of your busy life and make your small voice heard as an act of magical, political will that can open the gates to a world where we all have bigger voices. […]
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