Earth Activist Training: January 2014

How do we bring the skills and tools of ecological design and permaculture into the communities that most need them? That’s the question we ask ourselves at Earth Activist Training—then we do two basic things. First, we support organizations within those communities that are already working on issues of social, environmental and food justice, sharing resources and building relationships. Then, we go out and fundraise like hell to offer scholarships to our residential trainings to people from those communities. […]

Elections 2012

Include in your ideals the real-life impact a Republican victory would have on a young black woman from the inner city, on an aging writer, on hundreds and thousands of other folks here and around the world for whom the nuances of difference might mean life or death. Then vote your conscience. But for Goddess sake, get off your high horse and your butts and get out there and vote! Include in your ideals the real-life impact a Republican victory would have on a young black woman from the inner city, on an aging writer, on hundreds and thousands of other folks here and around the world for whom the nuances of difference might mean life or death. Then vote your conscience. But for Goddess sake, get off your high horse and your butts and get out there and vote! Include in your ideals the real-life impact a Republican victory would have on a young black woman from the inner city, on an aging writer, on hundreds and thousands of other folks here and around the world for whom the nuances of difference might mean life or death. Then vote your conscience. But for Goddess sake, get off your high horse and your butts and get out there and vote! […]

Emerald City–Some Milestones

Our Emerald City Green Entrepreneurs Training is going strong—here’s some highlights of our first three weeks. […]

Emerald City–Starting a Green Entrepreneurs Program in Bayview Hunters Point

We are finally starting our new Emerald City Green Entrepreneurs Program—a collaboration between Earth Activist Training, our program that combines permaculture, spirit and activism, and Hunters Point Family, which runs programs for youth and young adults in Bayview Hunters Point, the San Francisco neighborhood with the highest rates of poverty, crime and violence…In the afternoon, we have our first real hands-on project, starting seeds and making soil mix. And they all dive into the work—once we hand out gloves! Actually putting your hands into the dirt will be another long-term learning process. I find it enormously sweet to watch these big, burly guys so seriously and delicately planting the tiny seeds of collards. […]

Bayview Project in Pictures

So many of you were generous in supporting our work this year in Bayview Hunters Point, teaching permaculture and organic food production to young adults and elders from public housing. I’ve been wanting to share these pictures for a while– […]

A Recipe for Diversity--or, A Bunch of Diverse Things and a Recipe!

And along with those two big events, I started teaching our long-term training program in Bayview Hunters Point, teaching permaculture design and environmental leadership to both garden coordinators and young adults who live in public housing in San Francisco’s poorest neighborhood. […]