For the Love of Our Ancestors... VOTE!

It’s Election Day

All the campaigning has been done, the ads and speeches and fundraising—nothing left to do but get out the vote! If you can, today, volunteer to make calls, to help people get to the polls, to encourage everyone to be part of this vitally important election.

I voted […]

The Synagogue Shooting

On Saturday, as we were busy preparing for our 39th Anniversary Spiral Dance to honor our Beloved Dead and celebrate the Witches’ New Year, I heard the news of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. I felt heartsick. I come from a Jewish family, and with all the Witchy stuff I do I am still […]

A Statement from Starhawk on the Las Vegas Tragedy

My heart is breaking for all the families and loved ones of the victims of Las Vegas, for the lives cut short and the creativity, love, joy and beauty that those who died will not now get to experience.It’s human nature, in these moments, to ask why—to want a motivation, a sense of some […]

Death and Mystery

We like to think things happen for a reason. We like to think that if we are good, and play by the rules—whether they are the larger rules of the mainstream world or the rules we have crafted for ourselves out of our own vision of how life should be—then good things will happen to […]

Charleston Massacre

I am shocked and heartbroken at the massacre in Charleston. When such a violent assault occurs, it is more than just personal, more than a reflection of one person’s hate and madness. Racism is structural, a framework built into society that channels eruptions of violence onto black bodies just as surely as a strategic break […]

Sad News, What is Remembered Lives

I am really sorry to share the news that Andy Paik died suddenly last Monday, February 23, of unknown causes. His wife Karen came home and found him unconscious on the floor. The paramedics could not revive him.

Andy was a longtime Reclaiming member, the founder of Free Activist Witchcamp, a dedicated and courageous activist […]

Samhain '14: Remembering Margot Adler

Today is the memorial for Margot Adler, author, NPR radio journalist, Witch and good friend! Below are the words I wrote for her service. Today, on Halloween when the veil is thin and the living and dead are in communication, we can remember her:

For Margot Adler

Margot and I were friends for many decades, […]

Requiem for Isis

Isis is one of the people I dearly love. I learned so much from her. I learned to walk down the street and look people in the eye and smile and say, “How ‘ya doin?” I learned how someone could face years of illness and pain with optimism and grace, and still take so much pleasure in life, even as her life grew more restricted. She’s one of the people in my life who made me who I am. here’s a beautiful interview with her: (Although when she says I was working in the television industry–I actually had a small job in educational films that I rapidly got fired from!) […]

The Isle of Apples

Keyawis chose to let go rather than to live on life-support, with no hope for recovery or quality of life. She faced death with the same grace and courage with which she lived, […]