Starhawk’s Helpful Hints for Happy Holidays in the End Times!

Winter Solstice: The Light Begins to Return 

It’s also the holiday season—a time to enjoy friends, family, and feasting. And yet this year it’s also the time of intense political stress. The Democrats are finally holding the occupant of the White House accountable, more and more corruption is coming to light, and the Republicans are almost […]

A Spell for the 4th

Happy Fourth of July—or not so happy. This year again we celebrate the birthday of our nation—a nation that espouses beautiful ideals it has yet to live up to—and this year truth, justice, freedom and basic common human decency seem to be slipping away from our grasp.

So—time for magic! In June, […]

A Spell for Justice

What is Magic, and When is Political Magic Called For?

I’ve always liked Dion Fortune’s definition of magic as “the art of changing consciousness at will.” The ‘art’ part of that is using sensory imagery and symbols that evoke emotion. The ‘will’ is directed energy and intention. Together they shift consciousness—and while that […]

Why Permaculture?

The Dirt On Our Climate Future

The news cycle is so constant, so outrageous and often so distracting that it’s hard to tear our eyes away from the meltdown of our social and political worlds. But there’s another meltdown going on, one that will affect us and all of the planet for […]

The Goddess Blesses All Forms of Love <3

Beltane Approaches

May Eve, the holiday that celebrates the burgeoning fertility of spring! In ancient times, it was the joyful festival that reveled in wild sensuality. The Maypole, that upthrusting rod, was crowned with a ring of flowers that slid down as the ribbons twined in the dance.

But how do we […]

Becoming An Apprentice to Our Sacred Earth

Ritual is a Basic Human Response to a World of Uncertainty and Intensity

When we do a ritual around something, it’s a way of saying ‘this is really important’. It’s a process that helps us integrate deep emotional experiences, such as loss. If someone dies, we feel a need to mark their passage, […]

A Vision for the New Year

At the Dawn of 2018

A new year is beginning, and many of us are relieved to leave 2017 behind, as if the change in the calendar date could signify a change in everything. For me, last year was a strange mix—politically disastrous, personally full of satisfying work and some incredible experiences.


Support Earth Activist Trainings for 2018!

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Wildfires…

…Nazis marching in the streets and open sexual predators running for office—and that’s not even talking about who is holding the highest office of the land! 2017 has been a year of disasters, on every level.

Now, at year’s end, I’m sure you have a hundred good causes asking […]

What Must We Lose to the Night?

Winter Solstice—

The longest night and shortest day of the year, when the powers of light and warmth seem weakest, and we are immersed in the dark. But in the ancient Goddess traditions, darkness was not something fearful. White, the color of bone, of snow, was the color of death. Black, the color […]

A Brief Guide to Hexing

A Witch’s Dilemma

When Ronald Reagan got elected, my mother—who was never too happy about my being a Witch—nonetheless kept urging me to hex him. I kept trying to tell her that what you send out returns to you three times over, that there were other ways to work, but she wasn’t […]