And along with those two big events, I started teaching our long-term training program in Bayview Hunters Point, teaching permaculture design and environmental leadership to both garden coordinators and young adults who live in public housing in San Francisco’s poorest neighborhood. […]
10 AM on 10-10-10—an auspicious moment, if you like the number 10! I am at the Alice Griffith Garden in the Doublerock public housing development in Bayview Hunters Point—a neighborhood of San Francisco sometimes known as a ‘food desert’. It’s easy to buy a bottle of liquor or a fistful of oblivion here—really hard to get a good, fresh vegetable. […]
My most immediate new adventure? Next week I’m taking an exciting course in Aquaponics—the system of integrated fish farms and greenhouses that hold immense promise for urban food production. […]
Too many times I’ve sat in meetings having the same conversation, over and over again—where are the people of color? The answer is not to go comb the streets, dragging in random people to make our group look more diverse. Nor is it to stop doing what we’re doing, if it’s the work we’re called to. An effective answer involves drawing a bigger circle, like this Forum has done, that includes all of our multiple movements and issues within it as allies, and if we have resources or skills or connections, saying to our brothers and sisters, “We’re on the same mission—how can I be of service to you?” […]
Yes, I confess, I’m a Jam Hoarder. I make it, I put it in the cupboard, and then I find myself reluctant to use it. What if we need it later? What if civilization falls apart and these preserves are the last bit of sweetness we’ll ever know, as the waters rise and the trees bake to ash under the blazing sun of climate change? […]
Home at last! First back to San Francisco, then finally back up to the ranch in the Cazadero hills.
The good news—my housemates in the city have actually kept the gardens watered, and even the tubs in front of the garage were flourishing. Tomatoes were growing up my tomato tower and the graywater […]
“The problem was not lack of water, it was in our water management,” said Bernd Muller of their Ecology group. “We didn’t have a scarcity of water—we had a potential abundance. […]
All those high, trimmed, hedges stiff as an upper lip, controlled, repressed—then behind them and within those secret rooms, cascades of life and color and scent spilling out over the borders in lush profusion as if they’d had a few drinks and lost their inhibitions. […]
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