For the Love of Our Ancestors... VOTE!

It’s Election Day

All the campaigning has been done, the ads and speeches and fundraising—nothing left to do but get out the vote! If you can, today, volunteer to make calls, to help people get to the polls, to encourage everyone to be part of this vitally important election.

I voted […]

A Spell for the 4th

Happy Fourth of July—or not so happy. This year again we celebrate the birthday of our nation—a nation that espouses beautiful ideals it has yet to live up to—and this year truth, justice, freedom and basic common human decency seem to be slipping away from our grasp.

So—time for magic! In June, […]

A Spell for Justice

What is Magic, and When is Political Magic Called For?

I’ve always liked Dion Fortune’s definition of magic as “the art of changing consciousness at will.” The ‘art’ part of that is using sensory imagery and symbols that evoke emotion. The ‘will’ is directed energy and intention. Together they shift consciousness—and while that […]

The Children Are Counting On Us!

I am horrified and sickened by the Trump administration’s forcible separation of parents from their children at our borders. There is no legal, moral or strategic justification.

Today I read that the Pope has condemned these actions—and that speaks well of him. I cannot understand why every priest, minister, preacher, […]

What Now?

Painting: “Light Weavers” by Autumn Skye Morrison.

People often turn to me for comfort, and I’m not sure what solace I have to offer on this morning when the country has been submerged under a wave of toxicity. It’s a moment when we crave some deeper faith in goodness, but my faith is […]

Bad Hungers

In the third and final presidential debate this week, Trump spoke a line that undoubtedly cost him the last of any Latino support he might have had. Speaking of immigrants, and with his face in his usual squint of disapproval, he muttered archly, “We have some bad hombres here… and we’re gonna get ’em […]

Why Vote?

it’s a magical law that you don’t gain more power by disdaining the power you have. If we want to call in the great powers of creation, compassion and justice to transform our world, we must use whatever avenues are open to us, even if they seem weaker than we’d like. The trickle carves a path for the stream to flow, and the stream makes the way for the river. So do a walking meditation, and walk on down to the voting booth. Make filling out your ballot an act of prayer, if you like. Take that hour, or day out of your busy life and make your small voice heard as an act of magical, political will that can open the gates to a world where we all have bigger voices. […]