A Free Lecture by Starhawk (witch, peace activist, and ecofeminist). For over forty years, Starhawk has been a key figure in movements cultivating engaged approaches to magic and ecofeminism. While her work is situated outside the mainstream of academic discourse, it often speaks directly to the conceptual framings of secular modernity and public life. In […]
An Evening talk with Starhawk. Permaculture is a system of ecological design, a set of ethics and principles that guide us in developing human systems that can meet our needs while regenerating the natural environment around us. While food growing systems are probably its primary application, it can also be applied to social systems, living […]
Please join us at this half day workshop with Starhawk. The workshop will involve getting 'down and dirty' as we are led by Starhawk to get intimately involved in observing soil, and we learn about permaculture design that is grounded in spirituality and with a focus on activism. Permaculture is a system of ecological design, […]