Sparks Of Change: Winter Solstice Ritual w/ Starhawk and Evelie Posch | Online

Join Starhawk and sacred musician Evelie Delfino Såles Posch for a transformative Solstice journey through the darkness and into the light of inspiration and possibility. Winter Solstice: The Longest Night Before the Return of the Light

This is the time of darkness and cold, a time to go inwards, to dream, to gestate new […]

Light is Returning: Winter Solstice Ritual w/ Starhawk

Winter Solstice 2020—the Darkest Time in an Already Dark Year

It’s been a year of loneliness and isolation for so many, of a spreading pandemic and climbing death tolls. In normal times, we chase away the darkness with lights and gatherings of friends and family, but not this year. We sense that happier times are […]

On Not Lighting a Solstice Bonfire

So tonight I embrace the cold. Call it in—cold is what we need, to cool the overheated earth, to bring back the rains. I offer up the fire, to the snowy plover, to all the endangered species, to everything and everyone whose simple birthrights are stolen. Let this be the Solstice magic. Tides turn. Miracles happen. Out of darkness, light is born. […]

Winter Solstice 2012

So let this Solstice be a time when we all put our intention toward the change, and draw forth the strength, the courage and the determination to bring that new world into being. […]

Winter Solstice, 2009

But the message of Solstice is this: hope does not come once into the world and fulfill itself. Hope and light must constantly be reborn, over and over again. They wax and wane, and must be renewed. […]